A quick and dirty write up how I configured a Tap-Click under Debian Stretch, Buster and Bullseye on a Libreboot T400.
I learned that with the upgrade to Debian Stretch Debian switched from synclient to libinput; This is how I configured Tap to click following this how-to of the ArchWiki:
install xinput
Then at a terminal list input devices:
xinput list
My touchpad is id=11. List device properties:
xinput list-props 11
libinput Tapping is property 295, set to 1 to enable:
xinput set-prop 11 295 1
With Buster it did not work immediately because IDs changed: At a terminal list input devices:
xinput list
My touchpad is still id=11. List device properties:
xinput list-props 11
libinput Tapping is property 305 under Buster, set to 1 to enable:
xinput set-prop 11 305 1
With Bullseye it did not work immediately because IDs changed again: At a terminal list input devices:
xinput list
My touchpad is still id=11. List device properties:
xinput list-props 11
libinput Tapping is property 334 under Bullseye, set to 1 to enable:
xinput set-prop 11 334 1
To autoload this change at every login I use a “xinput.desktop” file in ~/.config/autostart/
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xinput set-prop 11 334 1
Comment[de_AT]=activate Tap Click
Comment=activate Tap Click
If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts and comments please feel free to email me.
License of this blog post: Except where otherwise noted, content of this blog post is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Install the cl-quicklisp package. At a shell-prompt execute ‘sbcl’. Then:
(load "/usr/share/cl-quicklisp/quicklisp.lisp")
So far so good. I know I am behind with the content on this blog and some instruction for Debian Buster (current stable) are due.
If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts and comments please feel free to email me.
License of this blog post:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of his blog “Whatever” author John Scalzi wrote a blogpost every day of September tackling different topics covering the span of 20 years. This quote is from day 21 New York:
“[…] New York still feels like a special, different, place to me. Magical? I don’t know about magical. Too much vague urine smell for magical. But as they say, there’s no place like it.”
— John Scalzi 1998/201k Whatever 20/20, Day Twenty-One New York
If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts and comments please feel free to email me.
License of this blog post:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
turns into endless summer…
If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts and comments please feel free to email me.
License of this blog post:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
If you need wifi and a static IP I can recommend this approach from the debian wiki using wpa_supplicant.
If you need a more dynamic approach but still want or have to use the command line, there is a command line tool for network manager called nmcli. It is not very intuitive. I also had the problem that my Laptop has an internal wifi card and I had to configure a connection for an additional wifi usb dongle. Below the next headline are some useful commands I used to add a new connection and bring it up.
While writing this post I discovered some additional useful links I put at the end of this post.
List status of available network interfaces:
nmcli device status
List wifi access-points:
nmcli device wifi list
Add a new connection named “foobar-home” for the network interface with the ifname wlx2824ff1a0227 and the ssid “foo”:
nmcli con add con-name foobar-home ifname wlx2824ff1a0227 type wifi ssid foo
Now we have to modify foobar-home to use wpa-psk:
nmcli con modify foobar-home wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
Then we set the password “barbaz”:
nmcli con modify foobar-home wifi-sec.psk barbaz
Finally we bring the connection up: nmcli con up foobar-home
If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts and comments please feel free to email me.
License of this blog post:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of his blog “Whatever” author John Scalzi wrote a blogpost every day of September tackling different topics covering the span of 20 years. This quote is from day 19 Hobbies:
“For example, I wouldn’t call “reading” a hobby of mine, because it’s always just been part of my daily life. I read like I breathe. Breathing is not a hobby, it’s an essential. Same with reading.”
— John Scalzi 1998/2000 Whatever 20/20, Day Nineteen Hobbies
If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts and comments please feel free to email me.
License of this blog post:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Links worth sharing I found or compiled in July:
Manolo Gamboa Naon via Jocelyn K. Gleis newsletter
Image under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Image under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Source of images: https://www.behance.net/gallery/67104507/mmrrr
Trash is for tossers, Lauren Singer blogging about her zero waste life. Lots of useful advice to reduce your personal trash and live a better life.
Local thirty, Blogger Andrea Bemis is going to eat only food from a 200 mile radius of where she lives for 30 days.
If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts and comments please feel free to email me.
License of this blog post not including the artwork by Manolo Gamboa Naon (which are under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license as stated above):
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Hmm, that one caught me off-guard. Only read recently about it via fsf newsletter:
I don’t like this bullshit at all!
Additional links:
Open letter (fsfe):
Press release European Parliament:
If you speak german, read this interview with Julia Reda:
one additional important link:
If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts and comments please feel free to email me.
License of this blog post:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Recently I have made some slight changes to the elegant theme to add a scrollable list of my posts after the recent posts and all posts listing. It is just a dirty hack and results in a very ugly layout. One can easily notice that the main headlines are much smaller than less important ones. I am going to improve these issues in the next couple of weeks. Still I am quite baffled that I was able to make this hack happen with my almost non existent knowledge of pelican internals, themes and jinja-templates.
Screenshot to document the current state:
I am going to post a how-to once my solution is more polished. Feel free to contact me if you need details now.
If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts and comments please feel free to email me.
License of this blog post:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
In 2017 I bought a TPE-N150USB wifi adapter from ThinkPenguin because I wanted libre driver and libre firmware. I have already written a short how-to to make it work under Debian Jessie (Debian 8).
Recently I tried to use the wifi adapter with NextThing Chip (armhf board) and failed hard. Then I tried my Libreboot T400 running Debian Stretch and also failed! This was rather unexpected. I lost a couple of hours because I thought the problem is a software not a firmware/kernel issue.
So far I have one working solution:
Install the files from the debian firmware-ath9k-htc package currently available for sid and buster (testing).
It worked great with my Laptop without further issues. It did also work with NextThing Chip but I had to use the hack from the ThinkPenguin page (wifi.scan-rand-mac-address=0
) to make a succesful connection.
Further investigation and additional tests are necessary. I am also going to contact ThinkPenguin about this issue.
If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts and comments please feel free to email me.
License of this blog post:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.