A quick and dirty write up how I configured a Tap-Click under Debian Stretch, Buster and Bullseye on a Libreboot T400.
Tap to Click¶
I learned that with the upgrade to Debian Stretch Debian switched from synclient to libinput; This is how I configured Tap to click following this how-to of the ArchWiki:
install xinput
Then at a terminal list input devices:
xinput list
My touchpad is id=11. List device properties:
xinput list-props 11
libinput Tapping is property 295, set to 1 to enable:
xinput set-prop 11 295 1
With Buster it did not work immediately because IDs changed: At a terminal list input devices:
xinput list
My touchpad is still id=11. List device properties:
xinput list-props 11
libinput Tapping is property 305 under Buster, set to 1 to enable:
xinput set-prop 11 305 1
With Bullseye it did not work immediately because IDs changed again: At a terminal list input devices:
xinput list
My touchpad is still id=11. List device properties:
xinput list-props 11
libinput Tapping is property 334 under Bullseye, set to 1 to enable:
xinput set-prop 11 334 1
Make it permanent¶
To autoload this change at every login I use a “xinput.desktop” file in ~/.config/autostart/
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xinput set-prop 11 334 1
Comment[de_AT]=activate Tap Click
Comment=activate Tap Click
If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts and comments please feel free to email me.
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